Dosetec improves hygiene at Valio factory in Vantaa

In autumn 2007, Dosetec delivered dosing system to Valio factory in Vantaa, Finland for dosing processed cheese ingredients. This dosing system collects ingredients from big bags and small component stations into the hopper scales. The system has separate lines for powdered milk and salt based ingredients. Dosing of powdered milk is by vacuum conveying into […]

Kemira uses Dosetec system for big bag filling in sodium chlorate plant, Uruguay

Kemira chose Dosetec big bag (FIBC) filling station for sodium chlorate plant in Fray Bentos, Uruguay. The plant operates in connection to Botnia pulp mill. The negotiations and planning for the Dosetec system were started in autumn 2005, and the system was implemented in Uruguay in autumn 2007. The big bag (FIBC) filling station packages […]