Automated dosing system installed at Valio Helsinki by Dosetec

Valio is the largest company in the Finnish food industry in terms of turnover. Valio wants to succeed together with its customers by offering consumers well-being every day. Investments into a new dosing system were planned at Valio’s juice factory in Helsinki since late 2002. The order was placed with Dosetec in May 2004 and […]

Dosing systems for Goman Bakeriet

Goman Bakeriet is one of Norway’s largest bakery companies, with some ten bakeries around the country. Goman has appointed Dosetec as its supplier for dosing systems. Dosetec has delivered a flour dosing system for Goman in Verdal and Hønefoss. Dosetec also expanded its existing dosing systems at Goman in Fredrikstad and Trondheim. In Verdal, old […]